Fellowship Recipient

The House that Mary Built: The 1936 California House and Garden Exposition
In January 2015, Jenna Snow launched an independent historic preservation consulting practice with an office in Los Angeles. With nearly twenty years of professional experience, Ms. Snow has a strong and broad understanding of best historic preservation practice, including federal, state, and local regulations. She has worked on a wide range of projects on both the east and west coasts, as well as internationally. Ms. Snow holds a M.S. in Historic Preservation from Columbia University and a B.A. in Fine Arts focusing on architectural history from Brandeis University. She meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in Architectural History. Throughout her career, Ms. Snow has authored, co-authored, and/or served as project manager for over 100 historic preservation projects, including a wide variety of historic resource assessments, National Register nominations, and historic resources surveys.
She regularly contributes to environmental impact reports, historic preservation certification applications, Section 106 reviews and other work associated with historic building rehabilitation and preservation planning. Ms. Snow has prepared multiple National Register nominations, including the Twohy Building in San José, CA; the Beverly Hills Women’s Club in Beverly Hills, CA; the Sam and Alfreda Maloof Compound in Rancho Cucamonga, CA; the Boyle Hotel/Cummings Block in Los Angeles, CA; the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Historic District in Los Angeles, CA, and Temple Ohave Israel in Brownsville, PA.
She has completed historic resources surveys, including coauthoring historic context statements in Hollywood, Whittier, CA, and South Los Angeles. Prior to her consulting work, Ms. Snow worked for the New York City Department of Design and Construction in New York, NY, the Freedom Trail Foundation in Boston, MA, and the Neighborhood Preservation Center in New York, NY.